How to Get Rid of Blackheads (Various Methods)

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

There are many ways to get rid of those nasty blackheads.[1]


  1. Here are a few different methods.
  1. Simple, non toxic glue- the type you would have used when you were 6. If you're English, use P.V.A glue. If you're American, use Elmers glue (it doesn't really make a difference but these are well known glue from each country).
  2. Steam face over a sink or a bowl or even with a wet face cloth (optional).
  3. Apply glue to troubled areas. Wait till it's completely dry.
  4. Peel it off.Peel the glue off and see results on the dry glue.
  1. If they're not tightly or deeply embedded, and your skin isn't easily bruised or damaged by stretching, just squeeze them out. Grab a pinch of skin with one or a few closely-spaced blackheads in the middle and squeeze. You're trying to apply the pressure from underneath the blackhead.
  2. An extractor tool neatly presses all around a blackhead to force it out. The end is small; don't stab yourself with it.
  3. A hot wet compress or shower will soften and expand the skin and pores due to water absorption.[2] The blackhead is oily and will not expand much. So, it'll be easier to extract afterwards.
  4. If this is ineffective, painful, or leaves a mark, which over time might lead to wrinkles, try something more elaborate.
  5. Take a Bobby pin and align the open space to the blackhead. Drag it while pushing on the skin , stop as you almost touch the stuff oozing out. Continue to do this carefully till nothing comes out (and the part closest to skin is clear) and use the Bobby pin to get rid of the nasty stuff.
  1. Use a mild exfoliant to remove cells and expose.
  2. Pat your face dry with a clean, fresh towel.
  3. Place a slightly warm compress on your face for approximately 10-15 minutes in order to soften the blackhead, making it easier to remove.
  4. Pat your face again.
  5. Place a cotton-ball on the tip of each finger to avoid slipping, which could tear the skin and cause further damage.
  6. Gently apply even pressure to both sides of the blackhead by pushing down, then up around the blemish.
Toothbrush And Toothpaste
  1. Get a toothbrush and apply an inch-sized small amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush.
  2. Wet the toothbrush and wet the affected area.
  3. Gently with your toothbrush, scrub the affected area for a small amount of time, daily.
  4. Make sure you do not apply too close to the eyes, as the vapours from methanol toothpastes can irritate the eyes.
  5. If you have nose blackheads, apply an even smaller amount of toothpaste, and keep well clear from eyes.
  6. This method has also been known to work on spots, but is not guaranteed.
  7. Always sterilize the toothbrush with boiling-hot water after doing this method.
  1. Use creams containing AHA's (Alpha Hydroxyl Fruit acids) like glyco-creams that will clear away any dead skin cells and "expose" the blackhead. Use the AHA's every 4 days or so.
Lime Juice
  1. Make a lotion with equal parts of lime juice, almond oil and glycerin and apply on the face. It will not only cure blackheads but the discoloring spots on the face too.
  1. Warm a little honey and apply on the trouble area.
  2. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
Egg White
  1. Beat an egg white. Be sure not to get the yoke and white mixed up!
  2. Apply on the face with fingers and then put 2 ply toilet paper on leave for half an hour or how ever long it takes to dry, you will know it's dried when the paper gets stiff.
  3. Peel off slowly.
  4. Rinse face with warm water and pat it dry.
Olive or almond oil
  1. Rinse your face with warm water to open your pores.
  2. Generously saturate a section of washcloth with olive or almond oil.
  3. Place a dab of toothpaste (not the gel kind) on the oily washcloth.
  4. Gently and thoroughly rub the toothpaste over your nose with the oily cloth. Do it twice if you have a lot of blackheads.
  5. Massage it into your whole face if you like. Add more oil or toothpaste as necessary.
  6. Wait about 5 minutes, then rinse your face thoroughly with hot water and a clean washcloth.
Steam and moisturizer
  1. Put a hot towel over your face for 10 minutes.
  2. If you let it sit then the black heads can come to the surface.
  3. Wash with warm water and natural face wash .
  4. Close pores with cold water and apply oil-free moisturizer.
  5. Then rub alcohol on it for five minutes
Lime Juice & Salt
  1. Mix salt with lime juice and rub it all over your face.
  1. Another natural way to get rid of blackheads is to use tomato.
  2. Cut the tomato into various shapes and sizes so that it can cover the curves around your nose/face.
  3. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry.
  4. Place the tomato pieces where your blackheads are and leave for 15 minutes. When times up rinse off with warm water.
  5. Don't put moisturizer on straight away.
Cleansing Milk
  1. Apply cleansing milk on your face before going to bed and massage it gently for 5 minutes.
  2. Next apply Vaseline on the infected area and leave it on the whole night.
  3. After getting up, squeeze the blackheads. They will come out easily.
  4. Wash your face with cold water, and you're good to go!
Medicated Solutions
  1. It's possible for you to treat your acne through some medicated topical treatments. These may or may not be successful, depending on what product you use. It is better to use these as a last resort, because there are many home remedies that are cheaper.
  2. The Regimen ('s treatment system)
  3. Proactiv (a popular treatment system with mixed reviews)
  4. Through oral medications such as accutane (must consult a dermatologist)
  5. Another way to effectively remove blackheads is to use flavorless gelatin and milk.
  6. Take one table spoon of milk and one table spoon of Knox flavorless Gelatin, or any other type of flavorless gelatin.
  7. Mix them together in a cup
  8. Heat the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds.
  9. Apply the mixture to your nose in the shape of a pore strip use a makeup, or even a paint brush.
  10. Allow it to dry on your nose for about 10 minutes or until dry.
  11. Remove the strips and with that you will also be removing the blackheads!
Toothpaste & salt
  1. if your tight on money or don't want to have to go all the way out to the shops to get 'ingredients' then there is a better thing for you to cure it !! the salt and toothpaste cure;
  2. make sure you wet your face before hand, but not too wet or the mixture will not stick. You could also steam your face this will help with the results but is not completely necessary.
  3. Find a bowl or a plate (any thing to mix the ingredients on, to avoid mess) mix about a teaspoon of toothpaste with half a teaspoon of ordinary table salt, or to any amount you prefer.
  4. If the mixture is too thick or dry add a few drop of water for smoother application.
  5. apply to the area of your face that has black/white heads
  6. leave for no more than 5 minuets (if it starts to itch remove)
  7. scrub the mixture on your face after the 5 minuets with warm water.
  8. splash your face with cold water this will help close your pores, it will sting so dab your face with a towel straight after.
  9. Repeat no more that 2 or 3 times a week
  10. NOTE - your skin will feel dry after so wait at least 3-5 hours (or over night if you apply before bed) before putting on face moisturizer.


This video shows instructions slightly different than that described in the text steps above, in that it does not elaborate on natural solutions to blackheads.


  • Try and not consume too much fatty, oily foods.
  • Wash your face daily, avoiding soap. Use a exfoliator scrub or just plain water splashes.
  • Keep your hair clean. If you have a clean face, grease from hair can slowly run down your face and clog up spots, so try and take a shower everyday, and wash your hair thoroughly.
  • Keep checking your progress, and stay on track. If you keep cleansing, your blackheads are guaranteed to disappear!
  • Always use oil-free mosturizer because you don't want to clog your pores even more.
  • - to keep oil away from your face use blotting papers or oil absorbing sheets, Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets (or CVS oil absorbing sheets) are cheap and effective and can be purchased at any drug store.


  • If irritation with any product occurs, contact any help line that may be associated with it ( usually found on the back of the products) and discontinue using the product immediately.
  • Be sure the honey is not too hot if you decide to try that method. It can-and will-burn you to the point of a bloody blister.
  • Avoid getting any substances in or around the eye, [lime juice, glue etc . . .] but if this does occur, wash eye out with water immediatly.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Rid of Blackheads (Various Methods). All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

45 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    great tips, will try toothpaste next time

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  7. glue for bleakheads, really , will have to try it soon

  8. The only way to permanently get rid of blackheads and rid the struggles of acne for the rest of your life is to see a dermatologist

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